Long-Haul Essentials for Trailering Horses to Florida January 17, 2025Veronica Green-Gott Are one of many equestrians fleeing the ice and snow of the northern United States and making the pilgrimage to sunny Florida? It’s a long trip for many equestrians who...
Fly Sheets for Horses: New Technology Tested in 2024 August 30, 2024Veronica Green-Gott Not all fly sheets for horses are created equal. Many horse owners know this fact firsthand when they try to save money on their horse fly sheets, only for their...
Miller’s: Back & Better Than Ever June 28, 2024Veronica Green-Gott If you rode horses in the 1970s, you probably remember the tack store Miller’s. Not only was this tack store one of the top purveyors of horse riding equipment in...
Tried and True Fly Control for Horses– Plus a Few from the Forums April 30, 2024Veronica Green-Gott  Fly prevention for horses is a problem as old as equestrian sport. While we wish we could hit the trails in a TuffRider fly sheet  like this one, it’s sadly...
The Fly Protection Products Our Customers Love June 09, 2023Veronica Green-Gott  Flies can have a big impact on your horse’s quality of life. Whether they’re causing irritating and painful sweet itch, or preventing your horse from sleeping or relaxing in...
5 Must-Haves to Protect Your Horse From Horse Flies July 13, 2022Veronica Green-Gott  Horse flies are one of the few insects that are universally hated, like mosquitoes and ticks. Both equestrians and their horses detest the time of year when flies start...