Ready to Get Back Into the Show Ring? May 29, 2020Olivia Kile With the country slowly reawakening, the horse world is following suit. With shows, clinics, riding lessons and all the fun stuff canceled, COVID-19 blanketed the equine industry with a tightly...
Memorial Day in the Equestrian World: Thank You May 22, 2020Olivia Kile What a crazy few months it has been. With what looks like a light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, we can all take a deep breath of relief...
Why You Should Make Time for Other Hobbies May 16, 2020Olivia Kile Being an equestrian has felt like a full time job at some points, but a job I love, don’t get me wrong. Us amateurs could learn a little from the...
5 Reasons Why We’re Grateful for Our Barn Moms May 01, 2020Olivia Kile Equestrians are lucky to have some of the greatest moms out there. They not only support our passion, but go above and beyond so we can live out our dream.
Horse Moms: These are the Reasons We Love You April 30, 2020Olivia Kile Remember those exciting early horse show mornings and who got up earlier than you to start packing the trailer? That person that drove you to the barn multiple times a...
Four DIY Projects for Equestrians You May Not Have Thought Of April 29, 2020Olivia Kile At this point, almost everyone in the country has been affected in some way by COVID-19 whether it be sickness, employment restrictions, staying home etc. Social distancing is an important...
How To Measure Your Horse For A Blanket Plus a few tips to make sure it DOES fit! April 13, 2020Olivia Kile If you’ve gone through our blanketing blog and you’ve come to the conclusion that a blanket is necessary for your horse, the next step is ordering it! The horse world...
Why Does My Saddle Slip from Side to Side and How Can I Avoid It? April 08, 2020Olivia Kile Have you ever ridden a few times around the ring and started sliding to the side and going down like the Titanic? Were you ever in the middle of your...
How riders can protect themselves from COVID-19 and support horse immune system March 25, 2020Olivia Kile In the wake of COVID-19, everyone is taking precautions to protect their health and safety, as they should be. Practicing good hygiene should be a year-round effort, though! Proper cleanliness...
How To Clean Horse Tack, Equipment and Grooming Supplies ? March 18, 2020Olivia Kile If you’ve read our Leather Care 101 blog, you may be asking yourself, but what about everything else!? Or, you just need a one-stop cleaning guide to everything horse. When...
How To Tack Up A Horse: English Riding March 16, 2020Olivia Kile Learning how to tack up a horse is one of the first skills you will learn as a new rider. Tacking a horse up a horse means that you are...
What are the Best Breeches and How to Choose the Perfect Pair ? February 29, 2020Olivia Kile Riding pants come in all different sizes, shapes, technical features and colors! Shopping online or in a well-stocked tack shop can be overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from...